Sunday, February 27, 2011

Month 2_Day 7 - Joy

James 1 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing

It was very easy to choose the scripture for tonight. Sometimes going to church you can think the pastor is preaching straight to you instead of the entire congregation. Thats when you know he is allowing God to speak through him. This was one of those days where we just felt God had something to say to us. I don't think Anjie and I have come to full terms with this whole situation. I think its real easy for us to write this off as something that happened because of sin in the world. While that may be true the scripture is clear that God gives us these trials. Pastor Phil said something that really stuck. He said sometimes we give Satan too much credit for these things happening. Either way he allows everything but in our case He most likely gave it to us Himself. In a way its a compliment that he knew we could handle it. He knew that He could refine us at the same time as he shows his glory through the healing and growth of Levi. It's not easy to swallow at all. We just have to wait out the storm and hold to the promise the end result will be the perfection of our faith. I guess when you think of the eventual outcome its much easier to "count it all joy".

Levi is kindve on cruise control. You can tell the Pnemonia is present because he is a little higher on his oxygen requirements. He got his first soap bath tonight. That was pretty neat to watch. Of course he didn't like it but he was starting to smell some. He is still getting full feeds and is slowly getting raised on his additives. His bowels are working great still. He is still getting anti-biotics and breathing treatments. He is getting a heart and brain scan tomorrow so hopefully those are both normal.

For my prayer warriors

Levi - Get off the vent, get rid of pnemonia, no more infections, no swelling, continued feedings, good news from scans...

Trent & Anjie - Count it all joy



  1. Your son is a beautiful creation from God and how blessed you are to be his parents! When I look at the pictures of Levi I see God's handiwork... How He carefully knitted his bones together, created his beautiful hands, precious little feet, and soft eyes. Levi is truly a gift to all of us who are praying and waiting for your daily blogs. Thank you for sharing this with everyone. I lift Levi up to God daily and pray for you both. Praise God for this glorious miracle and for your strong faith! - Lisa Todd

  2. I don't know, Trent, about God giving us trials. I don't see it in the scripture you posted here. I do agree He allows them. But there's no reason to debate. Because we know He will equip us as we travel through them. We know we will grow through them. And Kingdom good will be done through them. But they are still hard to bear. I read earlier this week that we often see even more of God in the situation in the rear view mirror. Praying for you 2 and your little precious Levi.

  3. Deal only with the present, never step into tomorrow, for God asks us just to trust Him and to never borrow sorrow.

    In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.-Psalm 33:21

    Today be flexible, adaptable, and receptive.-Helen Steiner Rice

  4. This verse spoke and still speaks volumes to me - I pray it comforts you with the reassurance you need from the Ultimate HEALER himself:
    "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed DAY by DAY. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far OUTWEIGHS THEM ALL."

    We love you guys and are praying everyday for peace and rest but most of all healing of sweet Levi - thank you for the continued updates! I have prayer warriors all over the world who are praying for ya'll!
