Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 19 - Superman

Psalm 119:165 Great(A) peace have those who love your law;
   (B) nothing can make them stumble.

We have no choice but to trust in Him to provide that great peace. We are still in the middle of a storm and it doesn't seem like it will let up anytime soon. Levi does need the PDA surgery. The scan showed that it is still large. The surgeon will come to assess him tonight or in the morning. After that we will meet with a member of his team. We should know soon after when the surgery will be. This is a scary time for us but everyone we talk to is in agreement that this is the correct decsion. The doctors think that most of Levi's symptoms are related to that PDA being open. We are very hopeful that he will get over this hump and then be able to focus on growing. The hospital here did this surgery 28 times last year so we have to trust that he will be just fine.

I created an email address today that you guys can contact us at. I believe many of you have had issues posting on here. Some of you may not feel comfortable putting your thoughts out for everyone to read. The thing is we gain tremendous encouragement through you. We have heard a few stories of God using this situation to touch lives. We would love to hear about these things more. We would love to get any encouraging words you are willing to send our way. You can write to Me, Anjie, Levi or all three if you would like. I will save any that are written to Levi to read to him once he gets older. Of course I have to protect my family so I will have to screen the emails before they get them. Hopefully no one will abuse this but you never know! Please understand we may not be able to reply to everyone but we will read them all. Here it is lovinglevilikecrazy@yahoo.com

For my prayer warriors:

Levi - For a sucessful surgery. No infections. Good experience with the anestetia. No long lasting effects. For the surgeons hands to be guided.

Trent & Anjie - For rest and peace during the surgery
No Levi doesn't really like flying but he has to do it every night anyway



  1. I love this blog. I wish I could visit you and hopefully I will be able to. But this is one way I get to be close to you, Anjie, and Levi. Your lil boy looks so sweet. I am still praying for all of you. I just love seeing the pictures up here. Keep up the good work Mom & Dad! I know its gotta to be hard on you two. But with God nothing is impossible. I love all you very much. God bless!

    With all my love,

  2. Hi Trent and Anjie!
    I heard about Levi through my family. My little niece just spent 100 days in the NICU where Levi is. I have been keeping up with your blog posts and keeping your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. I am also a neonatal nurse and I have seen many miracle babies over the years! Premies may be little, but they are so incredibly strong and resilient. Levi is a fighter! How awesome is it that God chose you and Anjie to be his parents? Your unwavering faith is incredible and a witness for others. I pray that Levi's surgery will be successful and that you all will have peace and rest throughout this time.
    Gina Grimes

  3. I just love you Levi.. that's all I can say..

    Love the Deleon Family

  4. I am praying for you and Anjie as well as your little Levi , and that your faith stay strong for each other.I know with all I have had to go through with myself and my family God is strong enough to do this for you as well.Keep God on in front of you know matter what you see or hear around you.I Love You and if you need me for anything.Just call me,I will be there.

  5. Trent & Anjie
    I’m sorry that Levi will need the PDA surgery. We were all praying that the medicine would do the job. I know it was a very emotional & difficult decision for you and Anjie to make. I’m reminded of that great quote from Yogi Berra - "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." The tough part is knowing which fork to take. In the end, you pray about it a lot, you research it, you consult friends & family, you increase your trust level with the doctor & NICU staff and you take a giant leap of faith. Levi is so fortunate to have two wonderful Christian parents like you and Anjie whose faith is strong enough to make this tough decision. God has also blessed Levi with an excellent care team of doctors & nurses. The positive news I got from your post is that they can do the surgery right there at New Hanover RMC and Levi won’t have to be transferred to Duke or UNC for the surgery. Praise God for that! Levi’s definitely a fighter and once he gets this surgery behind him he’ll be ready to start some serious growing.

  6. Lauren LOVED meeting Levi tonight! Thanks so much for allowing her to go up and visit. This has made such an impression on her. Thanks for sharing your story. She just said the sweetest prayer for you at bedtime. Know that we are just a phone call away. We love you!
