Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 29 - Off of the Vent

(Luke 6:19 NKJV) And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.

We always knew from what the bible tells us that Jesus has the power to heal. Its been really amazing to watch it first hand. Of course we can question why he is doing in such a slow methodical manner. There is really no reason to question him though. I mean he is healing Levi isnt he? Thats enough for us. We know that He is behind everything that has happened to this point. We must have faith that he will continue to heal him. We must believe that He will continue to to guide the doctors & nurses. We give him all of the glory for every step that Levi makes. For every breath that he takes its all about Him. He is the great healer!

Levi made a huge step forward today. He got off of the ventilator! Of course we are just cautiously optimistic right now. Sometimes in the NICU these babies take steps forward and then right back. We believe though that this is Levi's best chance to stay off of the vent. His gases were good after the change and his oxygen sats were good all afternoon. Needless to say the rollercoaster has been good to us today. He is wearing an mini CPAP mask now which you can see in the pictures. Levi also continues to tolerate his feedings well. Lets not let up on the praying. Please keep on! It's amazing to me all of the people that we hear about that are behind us. We thank you so much!

For my prayer warriors

Levi - To stay off of the vent. To tolerate feedings. No infections. No swelling. To get off of the CPAP!

Trent & Anjie - peace & rest

Check out the new ring pic


  1. that's wonderful news! you all are in my daily thoughts & prayers.

  2. So happy to hear good news concerning lil Levi....God continue to strengthing his body and be with Trent and Angie....

  3. Trent, I linked to your blog from another, don't remember whose. Maybe Kelly Stamps. I'm praying for your little Levi. Maybe there are others like me that are following and don't know your family. I would like to know more about you & Anjie and the circumstances behind Levi's early birth. I had never read Luke 6:19 in quite the same light as I did today. Thank you!
