Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 22 - Stable

I will get back to my normal posts soon. The stress of the last couple of days has really worn on us. We need some rest and my brain is just not up to the task. Levi is really doing well today in recovering. He is making some big steps in the right direction. He hasn't been weighed in two days and tonights weight was 2lbs! We are just so blessed to be on this journey with Levi. God has shown himself to us in a mighty way over the past three weeks. I will get some more pictures up tomorrow. I really just wanted to make sure and give a quick update to those of you who have been praying hard for him. God hears you and he is answering!
Trent & Anjie


  1. Oh praise God , Yes God has truly answered our prayers,yes he has.Lord one more thing if you don't mind.Please let every one that has seen and heard what you have done for Anjie and Trent and the star of this up date ,Levi.Help them to tell all the world how great you are Lord.Thank you Lord in making this in a away that you will be glorify.And may many more be saved through there testimony of how wonderful you are, Dear God.

  2. So glad to hear you're doing really well in recoverng from your surgery Levi. WOW 2lbs! You've just rached another preemie milestone. The nurses will probably start dressing you real soon now that you're a big 2lb boy. Tell Mom & Dad to take a lot of pictures of you in your new outfits.
    Trent & Anjie - praying your stress levels go way down allowing you to rest and renew yourselves both emotionally & physically.
