Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 18 - Going Home

Is 26:3You keep him in perfect peace
   whose mind is stayed on you,
   because he trusts in you.

We are going to need his perfect peace tonight as we leave Levi for the first time to sleep at home. Staying at the hospital has taken it's toll on both of us. We have been told by virtually every staff member that we must get our rest. Without rest we could get sick and then not be able to visit Levi. This may be one of the hardest parts of this journey for  both of us. We have grown to really trust and appreciate the staff here. They must be doing something right for Anjie to be taking this step. Please say a special prayer for us that God will deliver that peace that only he can give. Please pray that Levi will do well while we are gone.

Levi is about the same as he has been. We are waiting on the results of the last heart scan. We feel that most likely he will need the surgery in the near future. We are more at peace with that now. It seems most of his issue are related to the PDA. Once we clear that hurdle we feel that he will be inline to grow and work on eating.

For my prayer warriors:

Levi - For a clear plan tomorrow after the scan results. For no infections. For no swelling. For good blood pressures. For good urine output.

Trent & Anjie - For rest at home! For peace away from him.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know this has to be hard for you both.Please look at it as one thing more to do in trusting the Lord.As he said: he is going to make away for you to go when trails come, if you put all your trust in him .Lord please wrap Angie my sweet niece and her husband my loving Nephew Trent in your Love tonight.And help them rest within there mind concerning Levi.Lord you told us, all things, good and bad works together for the good that serves the Lord and loves God son Jesus .And we just believe that tonight.Father in the name of Jesus please refresh them Lord so they might go on with what ever comes their way.And Father you also say we as your children are blessed from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet.So I as one of your children, I speak the greatness of my great God to rain your blessing down on them this very minute.Hope Angie and Trent to cast down all imagination ,speak to any fear,tell fear has know place there and it must leave tonight and forever,The family that you made with your own self Lord God ,and gave them the most precious gift of all to man.( Is life), little Levi.And we thank you and honor you Father and your Son for hearing our prayers in Jesus name.... AMEN
