Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 21 - Back Home

Levi is back in his home now meaning back in his room. It's been a very stressful day.We have been nervous all day long. It's a kind of good nervous though. We realize that this was exactly what he needed and we are anxious to see him start moving in the right direction. Levi has good BPs for now so he is being weened off of some of the medications. He is back on the ventilator from being on the oscilator. It's going to be touch and go for a couple of days but we believe God has brought him this far for a reason so he will substain him. Levi is pretty out of it right now but is squirming around like he always has. Sorry for such a bird's eye view but we can't begin to tell you everything that goes on in here. Remember the email address is

Have a great night and most of all thanks to all of our prayer warriors!


  1. You all are still in my prayers. I know God is watching after Levi. For him to have come this far, God definitely has big, big plans for him. As I said before, if there is anything, anything at all that you need, dont hesitate to ask! We love you guys!

  2. Prayers continue to go up on behalf of little Levi. God is the God of Provision....always right on time with exactly what we need. So happy he is also providing for Levi. Warm hugs and happy thoughts to you all!
