Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Month 2_Day 3 - Uncle

Psalm 34:19 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

You know that old saying when you are wrestling and you pin someone down? I think you are supposed to make them say Uncle. Anjie and I are ready to say uncle after the last 24 hours. The only thing we can do is continue to lean on His promises. He promises to give us comfort in times like this. We need it now very badly. Maybe we are just worrying unessecarily but how can we not right now? Levi has been having these apnea episodes ever since I posted the last blog. His heart rate drops from 180 to sometimes 40 and his breathing is almost not there. He has been "bagged" twice in the past 24 hours. This is putting a mask over his face to give him breaths and bring him back up. It is the scariest thing I have ever had to stand and watch. It is the most helpless you could ever feel. This is normal for a baby that has been on the vent for so long. Basically his brain is not telling his body to breath. Somwtimes it just takes manual stimulation. The staff is doing a great job during these episodes but it doesn't make us worry less. They are trying to give him plenty of chance to suceed. Its so hard to watch but we need to give him time to see if he can keep going. Anjie and I don't have a ton of confidence right now. We both feel like he will probably be back on the vent by the morning. I hope he proves us wrong!

It's still a positive that he has made it this long. Another positive is through all of the medication his feedings are going great. He was increased agian today. Lets celebrate these things right? So far no infections either and he never had any swelling to this point.

For my prayer warriors

Levi - If you read this tonight please pray that his breathing improves. No more vent! No infections. No swelling.

Anjie - Sleep & peace. She refuses to leave the hospital right now.

Trent - No worry & rest.

Sorry this is the first night I could't bring myself to post pictures. I really felt so bad for the little guy. He is on morphine to calm his nerves. I need some of that. I am sure you guys understand he is just not himself.


  1. Oh, Trent, I'm so sorry to hear of this setback. Wish I could give you and Anjie a big hug right now. We're continuing to pray -- God's got this and I know you know that, but just hang in there and keep trusting. Love you all!

  2. Levi is working so hard to breathe without the vent, I hope he's still succeeding and as his body strengthens and gets used to this whole breathing thing his progress will pick up speed for yours and Anjie's sake-I know that helpless feeling is no fun. Great news about the feedings! Prayers to you all!

  3. Your attitudes are so encouraging - yes, let's celebrate his feeding increase! "who has despised the day of small beginnings?" Not here! Yes Lord, we celebrate what You've done, Your goodness, and Your plans for our good! And we wait like watchman for the fruit of the complete healing and victory - the prayers You answered from the beginning. In Jesus' name, Amen!

  4. Praying for your family daily....we know all too well what it is like to see your child suffer and feel helpless. "Continue to be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of any of this; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." Duet 31:6

    Wendy (Zack Mayo's mommy)

  5. Right now all I can say is ,don't let this pull you away from your faith.That is just what the devil is looking for so he can get in there .Stand strong even if you feel weak.Its going to take every oz.of your faith to show Satan you are winning this fight.I know you are tried and I know it is all you can do to pray one more time.Remember when God said to Mose go up to the mountain to pray for the people of (Israelite).Joshua and Arron had to hold his arm up for him,because he was so tried.That is what we as love-ones, Family members,Friends even people you don't even know are holding you up to the Lord.Just rest in the Lord,tell him how hard it is ,(you aren't a frailer by admitting you are tried.Take it to the Lord and rest at he feet,Thats where he wants you to be,when you can go on honey any more.You just don't know what to do any more.Many times with my frights with Satan,Like losing Joshua for one ,It took so much of my faith , hope,trust,and just know God was with me.When it comes down to it you have got to just believe God knows what he is doing ,even if we think he don't.Trent you and Anjie are going to have to believe that God has let this happen for a reason,and we may not know yet what it is until later.Many would say :well I cant love a God that puts a child through this,And God has a way to deal with people like that and maybe hell is where they find there selves.But for you and my Beautiful Neice and Great nephew are closer to winning this fight more than you know.Sometimes with me, when it get to the last effort ,all of a sudden its over........We love you all very much!Aunt Beth
