Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 27 - Stay Positive

Romans 828 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

It's easy to lose focus if you aren't careful. It's really easy to forget God's promises. He didn't promise that all things would be good. He promised anything that happens he will work for good if we love Him. Its all about obedience really. Things may not even work for good in the way that we think they should. Things will always work for good for us that love him within his purposes. The problem is we most likely will not always understand what he is doing at the time. We do know that His main purpose is to make Himself known to all of the nations. Somehow during this time of trials in our life God is using this to further the gospel. That is enough for Anjie & I. We can be content in that. To know that God is using your life to usher others into eternity with him is beautiful. It's worth any bit of suffering we may go through. We would do it again if it means seeing our loved ones be touched by the hand of God.

The hardest parts for me are leaving my son every night in someone else's care & not being able to pick him up and hold him. It's just not natural at all. It hurts everytime even though I know he is in great hands. It hurts to see him in distress at times and not be able to help him. One day he will be home with us and we will look back and see it all clearly. Thats how God usually works in my life. Usually He explains everything after the fact. He wants me to walk in blind faith with him and then he turns me around and gives me understanding after the storms have passed. I can't wait to see it all clearly one day. For now we must live in his promises. We believe Him fully and we know He will work this all out for good.

Levi is having a good day. He started steroids today for his lungs. He is already showing a small amount of improvement. In the next few days he will probably be ready to come off of the vent again. Lets pray he makes it this time. He is tolerating his feedings well. Hopefully he will start putting on some size which would help greatly.

For my prayer warriors

Levi - No infections. Tolerate feedings. No swelling. Get off of the vent!

Trent & Anjie - Peace & Rest

1 comment:

  1. Once again I see the sweetness of Gods creation.I know Trent it is hard for you to leave and I feel for you very much. I know also you are doing the right thing for you and your family.When we see our savior he will welcome you with the words ( well done son).Please forgive me if I am writing to much to you and Angie,I know you have more things on your mines than what I am saying,I just hope I may extend my joy,to see God do so much and great wonders in yours and Anjie and little Levis life's. So God bless you with peace and refresh your mines and body's as you sleep tonight ,and good night.
