Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 20 - Surgery Tomorrow

Sorry this is going to be very short. We have had a late night. Levi is doing well right now. His surgery will be between 12-2 tomorrow. It is done right down the hall. There are many scenarios possible with his recovery. I will try to give updates tomorrow when we know something. Anjie had a long kangaroo session tonight since it could be a while untill the next. We are nervous but also understand that its what he needs. We understand that God is in control. We are praying that his glory continue to shine during this time.

Please pray the Levi tolerates the anestesia well. Please pray for the surgeon. Please pray for a quick recovery. Please pray God's peace on us.

1 comment:

  1. All I could think of to night at 3:39 am in the morning,how wonderful your love is Father,Some may not see it that way and that ok. But Father you are the God of love and mercie.And we have done all the praying at this point and now we are waiting for your Answer ,and yet nothing has and will changes still ,you are still the God of love and mercie.Help us all, Father to be steadfast ,and believe in nothing less than your words that says ,you are all we ever need.To rest in you and when the storms comes ,to just rest in you and we will be comforted there.I love you Anjie and Trent
