Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 24 - No Greater Love

Romans 5 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

It is a great time to reflect on the tremendous love that God has for us. In the midst of all of our sin he sent his son to die for us that we may have eternal life. He does not desire for us to spend eternity seperated from Him. He desires every one of us to eternally live in communion with Him. God gives us all a choice to either accept this free gift or to deny the gift and be to our own desires. You can make up excuses if you like. I have done it my own mind at times. How can an all loving God send someone to hell? In reality he begs us all not to choose that road. The sad reality is that many will ignore his calls in their heart and will choose that wide path (Matthew 7:13). If you do not know this love we are speaking of please contact us . It is a free gift of grace that only He can provide. There are no amount of good deeds that can get us restored back into a right relationship with God. I thank Him so much for giving us a choice! There is no greater love on Valentines Day.

I am so blessed my life is full of earthly love also. I was blessed with great friends and family. I was blessed with a wife who is nothing short of a saint. Now I have been blessed with a son. Levi is helping me learn what unconditional love really is. I can give God enough praise for the wonderful blessings he piles on me.

Levi had a decent day. He had alot taken out of him yesterday and is trying to recoupe. If he can't get there on his own then he may need the help of steroids. If so it will be later in the week before he is ready to try it off of the vent again. Like anything there are risks with the medication. He really needs to get off of the vent though as it damages his lungs and causes them to not recover as quickly. He did not start eating milk today because his urine output wasn't great. Hopefully that will begin tomorrow.

For my prayer warriors

Levi - To get off of the vent! No infections. Tolerate feedings. Gain weight

Anjie - Peace & rest

Trent - Focus for work this week

1 comment:

  1. As always, he is so sweet,and we love you all.Trent and Anjie our prayers are still for you tw0,to be bless with peace and rest.As you going back to work ,thank you Lord,for being with Anjie as she waits on God to see her through her days.And as Levi get stronger every day,I ask you Father to help Levi to respond in growing and to breath on his own with out the vent.Father thank you so much for what has already taking place in little Levi's life.So many small steps,and thank you Father, you have what is best for Levi already in motion.So it is hard to wait and as we do ,you are helping us to learn to trust you more.Thank you Lord ,you are in control of all of time of everyday, so we will wait on you Father as you teach us,you are more than just a prayer,you are our every thing. So please help Levi's doctors to make the right decision.So I thank you Lord for all you have done and think you that Levi is still here with us.And he is growing and getting healthier every day .....AMEN
