Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 11 - Thankful Hearts

O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known His doings among the peoples! 1 Chronicles 16: 8

I think we are both just living in a spirit of thanksgiving right now. We are so blessed to have Levi in our lives and are just loving every second of being his parents. People constantly tell us how special he is to them and how he is a miracle baby. It's hard not to agree with them. The reality is that most parents look at their children with those same loving eyes. All babies that are born are miracles and God deserves all of the credit. So many things have to go just right for them to come into this world. It's no accident or mistake at all. 

Today was interesting because I got back to work and Anjie was left to handle things on her own. She is such a strong woman and is so grounded in her faith that I didn't even worry. Of course she sent me texts to keep me in the loop, I think we are turning into a better team than ever before. Work did me some good to get my mind focused on other things for a while but of course I couldn't wait to come see Levi this evening. I know you shouldn't wake a baby but its hard to resist with him.

I think he had a good day today. He has struggled with his breathing some but he got fixed up. He needed a larger tube for his ventilator. After the change out and a good cleaning he is resting comfortably. I think his stats are the most stable we have seen in a while. This large tube also allows for easier suctioning. He has some thicker fluid in his lungs that needs to come out. Levi had to get back on antibiotics today too. He had a couple of suspect blood cultures so the doctor is trying to hold of a possible infection. There really is allot more to tell but it would take all night. I know its crazy that that is the description of a good day. He did live one more day right?

 For my prayer warriors:

Levi - For no infections. For no swelling. For his bowls to start moving better. For his lungs to clear. For one more day of life!

Anjie - For strength, peace & rest

Trent - For strength, peace & rest


  1. I do so love that sweet lil nephew of mine! I miss you guys like crazy! Can't wait until we can get back down there. I love you all! Hug Anjie for me.

  2. You are in our prayers! Trent, you are such a blessing to me as you share your faith and love in our Lord! As Shannon stated, I love Levi and thank God for using him at such a young age to be a witness of our wonderful Saviour!
