Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Test Results

Just wanted to give an update on the past couple of days. Levi had a couple of studies yesterday. One study was to test Levi for reflux. That one showed moderate reflux but nothing too serious. It seems he is growing out of that issue. The other study was to verify where the milk he was drinking by bottle was going. All of the concetrations that they mixed Levi was aspirating into his lungs. They wrote orders to allow no more bottle feeding untill his passes a swallow study. They are hoping he just grows out of that issue also. The doctor told us today that he will give him a month and if he doesnt overcome it then he will need a G-tube. This would allow us to feed him straight into his stomach untill he grows more. This will allow him to go home.

Today Levi had an eye exam and a bronchoscopy. The eye exam showed about the same as before. The right eye still needs close watch. The bronch was a photographic look down his airway. The bronch was not surprising as we knew there was some amount of damage due to the stridor we hear. Levi has some malacia which is floppiness, some stenosis which is scaring & one vocal cord is weak. The combination of all of this is causing his reliance on the air flow. Hopefully some growing will allow him to get on a lower flow at least to go home. If he doesnt grow out of this in a month he will get a trach.

Of course we dont want him to need either procedure. It is good that there is now a definate plan in place. So we should be getting some resolution to all of this within the next month. Please pray that he will grow alot and not need either procedure.

1 comment:

  1. Its been a few days sense I have wrote on the blog to you.I just wanted to tell you Anjie I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day.That is just a special day for us Mothers and now that you are a mother you will see how special it is.I will be praying for you on that day.I hope you will feel the warmth of Levi's heart ,I know he is a just a baby ,but Mother's can feel that special tough of there Child.I love you and may God richly bless you now and on all mother day with your little Levi.
