Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eye Surgery/Road Trip

So Levi likes it here at New Hanover but since his trip to Chapel Hill he has more of a desire expand his horizons. Apparently he wants to go on tour. Unfortunately he has chosen Duke for his next stop. Levi's eye exam today showed a progression of the traction on his right eye. Thank God the left eye still looks good. So the laser surgery will not help. What he needs can be done at Duke hopefully in the next couple of days. We find out tomorrow when we will be leaving. Please pray for a quick smooth trip and a successful surgery. As you may be able to guess this really hit us very hard today. Pray for our spirits to be lifted. Even the strongest of people can only handle so much.

I hope you like the pics. Levi is very close to 6lbs now and you can probably tell.


  1. Despite the rough road behind and ahead of you, you both are truly an inspiration to so many people without even realizing it. Keep the faith and our prayers will continue to be with all of you, for Levi's growth and development and for our Lord to strengthen the two of you and allow you to feel his presence.
    Thanks again so much for posting the pics. He IS getting bigger and he is such a cutie :)

    Love & Prayers,

    Wayne & Sandra Dew

  2. I'll continue to keep Levi and you guys in my prayers for this upcoming trip and surgery. Make sure he wears that beautiful Tarheels outfit while visiting Duke...well, maybe save it until after they complete his surgery though! ;)
