Monday, May 2, 2011

Recent Pics

Levi has a swallow study, an eye exam & a bronch coming up over the next few days. The swallow study will determine if the milk is going all to his stomach and what consisency it should be mixed at. After that he should start trying to bottle feed more. The eye exam is a follow up but we are hoping for no progression in the right eye which they have been watching.  The bronch will be the insertion of a tiny camera down his airway to see what is causing the stridor when he breathes. Depending on the results we will find out if its an issue he will grow out of or something he will need to back to Chapel Hill for. I am sure you you know what we are hoping for. Please pray for these things and enjoy the pics...


  1. He looks so adorable in his little outfits :) We bet Anjie is really enjoying dressing him now. We will continue lifting up our "Little Baby Levi" to God for all his needs. We love seeing the progress and seeing our prayers being answered :) May God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you for the witness you are for him to so many :)

    Love & Prayers

  2. We are so thankful for you guys that Levi is doing well. Thanks for the pics! We are praying for all of the tests that he has to undergo this week.

  3. Wow I will pray!
    I have nephew that was Preemie he was 18 oz
    and was not going to make the Doctor said.
    My sister said, whole lot of bad thing to him!
    I was thinking we God on are side and when some one no to my family we just get stronger!
    Well Garett is in twenties now and 5'4" 190 lb. and love every one!
    So not worry just save money so can feed that Kid!
