Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Month 2_Day 2 - Huge Day

Phil 4 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

Yes I know that he could take steps backward. Right now though we are very excited. We have been rejoicing every day that Levi is even here with us. Today the joy is just overflowing. Rollercoaster ride doesn't fully explain the extreme changes in emotion you can have in here. The lows are pretty low but the great thing is the highs are through the roof. God has poured out his love on us in so many ways. We rejoice in Him. I am supposed to say it again I think...we rejoice in Him!

Levi is again off of the vent. So far he is doing great. His blood gas test was good earlier which is the gauge I guess for how he is doing. He is on about the same settings as he was before except for no tube. He is wearing a mask again so he doesn't love that. Its the Non invasive mask. He can still get back up breaths if he needs them. The next step is to go on the CPAP mask in a couple of days if he does well. Another big step today was to pull out his IV line. He has gotten to a level with his milk that he isn't getting fluids anymore. This is huge because with each line he gets out the risk of infection goes down. What a great day! Let's pray for no setbacks. We really would love to see him progress forward to getting out of here. Thats still a good time off but we are looking foward to it.

For my prayer warriors
Levi - No Vent! Progress from Non invasive mask to the CPAP. Tolerate feedings. No infections. No swelling.

Anjie - Rest here at the hospital. She is sleeping here tonight to see Levi through.

Trent - Rest at home & peace of mind


  1. Way to go Levi! We join your parents in rejoicing in Him over this great news. Praying you'll be modeling a CPAP mask very soon. Also we celebrate your being one month old yesterday!

  2. it was so good to see you guys tonight!!! thank you for introducing me to levi...he is such a cutie!!! we will be praying that all goes well tonight and that we will see pics of him with his cpap mask very soon! love you guys!

  3. No hill is too high, no mountain too tall, for with faith in the Lord you can conquer them all.

    Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.-Psalm 62:5

    Today repeat over and over, "With God all things are possible."-Helen Steiner Rice

  4. We are so thrilled to hear that Levi is making progress. We have all been deligently praying for all of you guys and will continue to do so of course. I was wondering if you knew anything about the other baby we've been praying for. Here's wishing you joy in the highs, strength through the lows and faith through it all.

  5. That is such wonderful news! We are continuously praying for you guys. We pray that Levi will continue progressing forward!
