Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Waiting

I know some of you are waiting to hear something. We are still waiting too. It's around 1:00 and Levi is just waiting. He has been prepped and is doing well. The surgeon will be by anytime. Thanks for all of the prayers! Levi had a bronchial spasm yesterday and scared Anjie to death. He had to have his tube pulled out for a while. One blessing came out of the ordeal. We got this great picture of his whole face. After it happened he breathed on his own for a little while. The doctor said if he wasnt having this precedure she would have put him right on the CPAP.


  1. He's got your face, Trent. He might have Anjie's eye shape, but that's your eye color and that's your face on that baby! Sweet lil peanut.
