Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome Home Levi

After 161 days spent in three different Nicus Levi came home today. His final weight was 8lbs 9oz being 7lbs over his birth weight. We are both excited and scared. We were sent on our way with a whole list of medications and upcoming appointments. Please celebrate this victory with us and also continue to pray. Levi still has a long road ahead. We have a heavy load on our shoulders.

Praise God from who all blessings flow


  1. How exciting!!! God has really blessed your family and little Levi is quite a miracle!!!!

  2. These are my favorite set of pictures yet!!! So excited for you guys and will be praying for a smooth transition. Please let us know if we can help out in any way!!!!

  3. We have prayed diligently for Baby Levi since he was born. Praising God for his love and grace and for His mighty power in our lives.
    So glad you're home! We celebrate life with you today for your percious little boy.

    Ann and Stan Knowles

  4. Congratulations Levi and Trent & Angie! We celebrate with you and pray that Levi adjusts to home life quickly & easily.

  5. I know you are thrilled to have Levi home, finally! Congratulations!
