Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Growing Up

As you can imagine its been a very busy time in our lives. Levi is more than a handful to care for and has be staying busy. He has had all good reports so far from his doctors. The physical therapist worked with him on Friday and she said he needs work on his upper body. He was super fussy but now seems to be getting a little past that bad stage. He has gas and reflux but we are working on the gas by using different nipples. Levi is still on oxygen as you can see. We think he will be completely off in the next couple of months but for now we know he needs it. He went to his developmental appointment yesterday and the doctor said he looks good. He called him chunky which given his past is a complement. The psychologist said that he is about 2-3 months adjusted age developmentally. Thats really very good since he did have the brain bleed. His due date was May 9th so he is right on track with that. He was 10lbs 2oz at his last visit! 

For Levi's prayer warriors:

For him to get off oxygen
For a safe trip to Chapel Hill next week (neuro appt)
For the reflux to go away
For his upper body strength

We know God has been with him so far so we must have faith He will see him through the rest of this.


  1. You guys are truly blessed. So thankful to see Levi is doing so well. Continued prayers for all of you!

  2. I'm from the Philippines and found out about your blog through Lisa Todd's blog, which I follow. Want you to know I have been reading about Baby Levi from the day he was born and am rejoicing with you for his development which is amazing.

    I believe it is the love he feels coming from both you and your wife Anjie that has kept him going and determined to fight for his life.

    Please know I continue to pray for this boy. He has a kingdom destiny that is being fulfilled each day - both in his own life, and in the lives of those around him.


  3. How funny that we have the same chicco travel system and snugabunny swing for our preemie. We never met but we were across the hall from you guys at New Hannover. Braden was 11 weeks early and one of the nurses hooked us up with your blog. You guys have all been in our thoughts and prayers and it's been great reading about Levi's discharge. Glad he's doing so well! -Amber & Nate

  4. * Brayden. My phone auto spellcheck doesn't like our son's name
