Sunday, July 3, 2011

Very Sleepy

We obviously new this wouldn't be easy. We knew we would be worn out and wouldn't get to sleep much. Just knowing that doesn't prepare you for it though. We are so blessed to have plenty of help from family so we can catch naps when Levi doesn't want to. Levi also got a visit from his uncle Rajesh this weekend which is always fun. Levi has really made a good transition home. There haven't been any major hiccups and his monitors and oxygen are easy enough to use. He has a pediatrician appointment on Tues and eye doctor appointment on Wed. So please pray for good results. Please pray for Levi to continue growing and his airway to heal. Please pray that he doesn't catch anything now that he is outside of his sterile environment. We plan to keep the blog going so that all of you can follow his development. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys...I'm so happy for you all that Levi is now at home. Your journey is now at a new place. The transition from NICU to home can be so overwhelming. Please know that your family is on our minds and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Trent, Angie and little all are so blessed.

    Dear God...please watch over Trent, Angie, and Levi as they begin this new journey. I pray that their spirit be lifted daily and they will find the energy to keep going and enjoy every moment. I pray that Levi will continue to grow and discover the wonderful path you have already layed out for his life. Thank you God for loving this family. Amen
