Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sorry for taking so long to update on the Chapel Hill visit. I honestly thought I had already done it. The visit was some what successful but not necessarily in finding answers on the reflux. The biopsies all came back normal which of course is a good thing. The only problem with that is with all the tests showing normal is that we really still don't know why Levi has such terrible reflux. He still throws up everyday. Its still a daily struggle to get the calories he needs to stay down. Yesterday He actually had a follow up to see where we were after some minor changes. Basically since nothing has worked its just another chance to try something new. Starting today we are trying a new medication that is supposed to relax his stomach and allow it to stretch more. They claim to have good success with it but all we can do is wait and pray. I will post an update on that in the next week or two if we see some positive results.

The other good/bad that came out of that procedure was that a bronchoscopy done at the same time. Its pretty common to go take a look at an airway while they have a patient sedated for something else. We didnt think anything of it but we ended up getting some not so good results. He has a lot of damage in his airway that was found. Rightfully so after being on the vent for so long. They found a decent amount of scarring and some cysts growing in there. They also found his tonsils are already inflamed and blocking off his airway. Basically dues to all of this Levi is breathing through the equivalent of a straw. So the right thing to do is surgery to open it up some and get those cysts before they grow larger and cause issues.  The surgery is scheduled for October 26th. On that day a decision will be made as to whether his tonsils will also be removed. He is still too young to have them out but they may not feel there is a choice. Although this is not a super invasive surgery its still a big deal on a baby and a much bigger deal when its your baby! Please pray for all of this. We are at peace with it for now but when the time comes it may be a different story.

One more note on his development. He is still not quite there on the pushing up  but he is rolling all over the floor now. Hes getting much more stable on his legs as well. In our reading micro preemies generally take much longer to catch up than just a preemie. We still believe he will get mobile its just on his schedule. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! He looks so grwon up! Glad to see so much progress even among the struggles.
