Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Progressing Along

Psalm 127 3Behold,(F) children are a heritage from the LORD,
   (G) the fruit of the womb a reward.

At this point it is so hard to still be at the hospital. We want to take our little man home so very bad. Words cant explain the emotions we are experiencing after such a very long road. I dont mean to complain but just to pass this along so you can pray for us. We know that Levi is a blessing straight from God. Its very hard to watch him go through all of these things but we wouldnt trade him for anything. Those of you who have children young or old please take the time to slow down and realize this. God has blessed you with a great reward! If you have never had to watch your child go through surgery or breath from a ventilator you are double blessed in my opinion. There are so many families just like us going through similar experiences. If nothing else we have learned to not take one second with Levi for granted. I hope you all learn the same lesson from following our story. The next time your kid doesnt mind you, doesnt take their nap or eat their dinner. The next time they complain about their school work or doing their chores. Please take a deep breath and give God thanks for his blessings.

As for Levi he is really out performing expectations with his feeding. He is now taking a full ounce at every feeding. That is a little more than halfway to full feeds! The doctors will only let him take that much until his swallow study tomorrow. At this study he will take a full bottle down. They will watch to prove it is all going to his stomach and not his lungs. Apparently these babies can get tired towards the end and not protect their airway. So if he does well he will be allowed to work his way towards full feeds and going home. Please keep praying! Levi is 7lbs 14oz tonight.


  1. He is getting so big! A cute little fellow too! I pray his swallow study goes well, so you both can take him home soon!

  2. Thanks for the great reminder of how precious my Paisley is and how Blessed I am to have her with me and so healthy!
    Praying for Levi...I hope he downs that bottle without any issues.
