Thursday, June 23, 2011

Final Hurdle

Levi has taken all of his feeds from the bottle for a few days now. This is huge victory because the doctors didnt think he could get there. Now the hernia repair is scheduled for Tuesday at 1:15. We are hoping it can be done without him going on the vent. Levi is supposed to be discharged as soon as he fully recovers. This could happen as early as Friday of next week. Please pray for the upcoming surgery. Please also pray for us as the anxiety builds. Levi will have a lot of follow up appointments, medications, and even o2 at home. This is a huge responsibility to take on but we are glad to do it. Please also pray as we are in some transition with our health insurance. We are unsure about how all of this will play out with our finances. He has taken care of us so far so we must continue to trust Him. Obviously thats easier said than done.We often catch ourselves worrying about those sort of things.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I have chills. Rejoicing, fearing, trusting, hoping, worrying, praying. Being human. I find myself doing the above all the time. Praying for all 3 of you.
