Sunday, March 20, 2011

Month 2_Day 28 - Beautiful Things

Every time I get a chance to sit with Levi and stare for a while this is the song that comes to my mind. I said I would post some more of Gungor's music. I think we must have listened to this song a hundered times in the first week of Levi's life. He really does make beautiful things. I never thought until Levi came along that I could be so in awe of God's creation. To see the perfect innocence within a baby is a beautiful thing. To realize through Levi how much of a miracle life is...that's a beautiful thing. To realize through this tough time how reliant we really are on God...that is also so beautiful. I could go on and on but you get the idea. When He cleanses us from our sins he makes us beautiful again.

Levi has done well this weekend. He did have one episode last night when we were home. He almost got himself put back on the vent. We are thankful that he decided to start back on his own with out needing it. He is still on the cpap. He is supposed to get vaccinations this week. We are not all that sure about those with him in such a fragile state. The doctors seem confident though so I guess we have to trust that. He hasn't really gained any this weekend. Levi still have a long way to go. We really appreciate the continued love and support.

For My Prayer Warriors

Levi - Improved lungs. Continued digestion. No infections. His eyes to develop. Grow.

Trent & Anjie - Patience


  1. Hi Trent & Anjie,

    You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog since you first started. My friend, Terri Sullivan went to church (I believe?) with Anjie or something like that, anyways, she gave me the link to your blog when she had found out and asked me to be praying for you guys. Anyways..

    I always have a feeling that things always happen for a reason. I think that God wanted me to read about your story, in order for me to be prepared for something that He knew was going to be happening in the future. See, my sister in law's water broke this morning. And she's 26 weeks along. So, my nephew Kolten's going to be arriving sometime today. I'm very thankful that you have been posting, it's a scary thing.

    God bless you guys,
    Vanessa Johnson

  2. vaccinations??? when they're questioning his liver function??? thats a ton of stuff for a tiny fragile baby to handle!! if youre questioning it, maybe you should consider demanding that they hold off until hes bigger, and more stable. the dose of a vaccination is the same dose/strength they give a "normal" 2 month old, 4 month old ect, and levi is TINY!! thats so much for his body to handle when hes struggling enough already... just my thoughts, hope i havent stepped on any toes. My daughter was born with seizure issues and we put her on a delayed vaccination schedule b/c we were concerned. It worked great. you should try to take a chance to research it. look up dr mercola. hes got some great information on vaccinations. some of his ideas are a little over the top but you can make an informed decision. plus he offers a great delayed vaccination schedule. trust yours and angies instincts, you know best. it wont hurt it at all to delay it, but it might hurt him to recieve it. not to mention the risks of an allergic reaction.....i wish you the best of luck while you make your decision.
