Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 4-Many women have done excellently but...

Proverbs 31:29"Many(AE) women have done(AF) excellently,  but you surpass them all." 30(AG) Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

I believe I have done a diservice to my wife at times this week. She should always come second place in my life only to God. I have many times put myself and Levi ahead of her. Anjie is the best mom and wife we could ever have been blessed with. I believe she is an angel here on earth. I never praise her enough. I never serve her enough. I never love her enough. In fact I have many times been very guilty of the exact opposite tearing her down because of selfishness in my heart. I am not dwelling in guilt only trying to right the ship. Those of you that know her well will agree with me I am sure. This woman deserves all of this encouragement. I have learned much about her this weekend and I see her in a totally different light now. Anjie this one is for you. You are a woman after God's own heart.

Today we had a decent day as far as news is concerned. We believe the murmor is still present and are waiting for a definate answer and game plan tomorrow. There is no way to tell about the bleeding un till the next scan a couple of days from now. We praise God in the bad news so dont you think we will rejoice in the good even more! Levi is off of his blood pressure medication and for the most part the incillin (sp?). That is surely worth excitement! Anjie is dealing with the fun of learning to pump milk. She is sore and struggleing but of course in high spirits. It's excting to her to have that job of getting food ready for Levi to eat.

For our prayer warriors:
Levi- Of course all of the same. We want him off of all medications. We want no more bleeding anywhere. We want the murmor to go away!

Anjie-Reduction of pain and ease in pumping

Trent-To have a loving attitude around Anjie as we both get frustrated at times.

This pic is actually my Wedding ring on Levi's arm! The video is really the first time Anjie was able to contact him in a major way!


  1. Look at that smile on Anjie's face!! Oh yes I saw that!! Love you two thank you for keeping us posted... Levi is a amazing guy! I love you Levi! You can do this baby!! Its in your blood to be determined and have the willpower!! I am so happy things are looking up... Thanks to the good lord above!!

  2. Oh Angie and Trent ,I am so proud of you two.Thank you so much for keeping us informed .We are praying for you all ,and I can see the joy of God all over you Angie.Maybe soon you (daddy and mommy) will be able to hold him .He is so sweet and I love you and Trent so much.I know God is well pleased in the two new parents as you are.You keep up your faith you have and this to will past.One day you will look back at it, and see just how great wonderful God is to his children, you do now I am sure.And as you look back you also will see how strong you have become.You and Trent are going to be wonderful parents,and your children are so blessed to have you.Will lots of hugs and kisses to your new family and good night.

  3. What a beautiful post AND video. Trent and Anjie - you two are so blessed and little Levi is in my prayers daily as well as you two!! Keep your heads up and your hearts open to God!!

  4. Hi there and blessings! I'm a friend of Meredith McKeithan and she posted your story on Facebook. I will be praying for your family and little Levi. God is amazing!

  5. David and I are praying for you guys! Our God is so good!
